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Colorectal Cancer Awareness & Prevention

Every March, the Colon & Rectal Clinic of Colorado observes Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, spreading mindfulness, promoting regular screenings, and educating about the risks of colorectal cancer. While we officially observe in March, our mission is to spread awareness of the topic year round, helping patients take action towards prevention.


In an effort to spread awareness of the topic, please find a summary of colorectal cancer information below, including facts, symptoms, risk factors, recent trends, prevention tips, and how to schedule your screening today.


Colorectal Cancer Facts
  • Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States, and the second leading cause of death from cancer.

  • Most often found in people over the age of 50, colorectal cancer affects men and

       women of all ethnic groups. However, younger demographics, millennials

       especially, have seen a dramatic rise in diagnoses over the past four years.

  • Most colon cancers first develop as polyps, abnormal growths in the colon or

       rectum that can become cancerous if not removed or treated.



Colorectal cancers or polyps do not always cause symptoms, especially at early

stages. Symptoms that may be associated with colon cancer include but are not

limited to:


  • Blood in stool

  • Persistent and unexplained stomach abdominal pain, aches, or cramps,

    • especially in the same location

  • Sudden unintended weight loss


If you have any of the following symptoms, talk to your doctor about the potential

benefits of colonoscopy.


Risk Factors

All of the following have been linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer

  • Age (90% of colorectal cancers occur in patients over the age of 50)

  • Family history

  • Personal health (patients with Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis are at higher risk)

  • Smoking

  • Obesity

  • Physical inactivity

  • Diet (high consumption of red or processed meat and alcohol, low consumption of fruits and vegetables)


Prevention Tips






Colon and Rectal Clinic of Colorado
(P) (303) 839-5669
(F) (303) 839-1216

For Life-Threatening Emergencies Call 911
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