Warren Strutt, MD FASCRS
About Dr. Warren Strutt
Dr. Warren Strutt, a board certified colon and rectal surgeon, specializes in colorectal surgery, with an emphasis on cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and diverticulitis. He offers broad experience in laparoscopic and robotic surgery, as well as traditional surgery. Dr. Strutt also performs colonoscopies and manages all aspects of anorectal diseases, including hemorrhoids, fissures, fistulas, and fecal incontinence. He performs minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of fecal incontinence with use of pelvic neuromodulators.
Dr. Strutt relocated to Denver after completing two Fellowships in Minimally Invasive Surgery and Colon and Rectal Surgery at the Colon and Rectal Clinic of Orlando (Orlando Regional Medical Center) in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Strutt completed his General Surgery Residency at Stamford Hospital/Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Strutt received his medical degree from Saba University, and undergraduate degree from Northeastern University. Originally from South Africa, Dr. Strutt moved to the United States when he was in high school.
Due to Dr. Strutt’s experience in the medical field and colorectal surgery, he has contributed his professional knowledge to the medical community in numerous ways. Dr. Strutt has published and presented nationally on the surgical treatment of various anorectal and colorectal diseases. He has co-edited a successful surgical Ebook series on laparoscopic suturing techniques "Top Gun Advanced Laparoscopic Skills and Suturing" as well as assisted in the development of robotic surgical suturing simulation. During his time in Florida Dr. Strutt was part of the University of Central Florida College of Medicine faculty and preformed a role as Instructor of Surgery, teaching medical students, residents and junior fellows.
Getting to Know Dr. Stutt
Dr. Strutt enjoys spending time with his wife, and their son, doing fun things like snowboarding, hiking & tennis. He also enjoys working on honing his photography skills.

Warren Strutt, MD FASCRS

CBS interview with Dr. Strutt
Dr. Warren Strutt is interviewed by Kathy Walsh, CBS Denver on how the new DaVinci Xi surgical robot will benefit patients.
Dr. Warren Strutt performs first
Flex Robot colorectal procedure in Colorado. - 2018
Dr. Warren Strutt is featured in the Denver Business Journal after successfully completing the first trans-anal removal of an upper rectal polyp growth. Previously these benign neoplasms might require a formal abdominal operation and bowel resection with a lengthy hospitalization and weeks of recovery. Now these hard-to-get-to growths can be safely removed with discharge ito home in 24 hours and return to normal full activities much sooner.